World Mental Health Day ’23 — Open Mic

To be considered mentally healthy is to engage in consistent self-care, recognize one’s inner strengths and weaknesses, acknowledge one’s existence, and reflect on what influences one’s current state and how one can keep going.
To break the silence surrounding mental health, debunk myths, and dismantle the stigma that has, for far too long, prevented individuals from seeking the support they deserve, we celebrated World Mental Health Day 2023, reminding ourselves to look out for one another, to be kinder to each other, to ourselves, and to prioritize our mental and physical health, also to support those struggling without judgments or constraints, while enjoying fantastic teatime networking, reading and listening to extraordinary poetry performances, short stories and comedy from friends and community members in Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai.
The Open Mic session provided a platform for students to come together to speak about their struggles with mental disorders—with many students battling feelings of anxiety and depression, which are often triggered or made worse by their studies. And more often than not, speaking openly about one’s feelings and emotions can significantly reduce the burden. Plus, we have you a mic, a cheerful audience, and a glorious stage to shine on!